About Intent
Post 49:
Ever say something nice and have it be completely misconstrued? We all have, so don’t try backing out of this one. I do all the time; publicly, often, and usually it’s on a frigging microphone.
That’s the price of expression. You’ve got your intentions, and unfortunately, other people are not your intentions. This goes for everybody, so shake it off when you tell a cute girl “she’s crazy” in the cool, interesting-type way and she stiff-arms you into the cheap seats. It’s gonna happen. What’s the alternative? Saying nothing? Suppose so. But if you hang around saying nothing long enough, people start talking. They start wondering if you have nefarious intentions. See. We’re all screwed, so just go with it.
I’m currently sweating bullets, days away from putting out my first novel, which is actually my third novel. Eh, I’ll explain later. Anyway, every so often my mind will drift into you can’t do anything about it land, wondering if people that read it will take it as I intended.
For all you writers of words—hell, for all people that speak to other humans, the answer is unequivocally no. You’re not the writer, not the speaker, not the person you think you are. Not to them. It’s a frigging impossibility. Best to just let it out with best intentions—if the worst happens, it’s due to one or all of three reasons. Either what you did sucks, the person on the other end sucks, or you suck.
Could be… all three suck. That’s… nah, that never happens.
Later animals. I kid. See you after.