About Friends
Post 29:
Who are your friends? Unlike most things I talk about, I have something more than mere observation and speculation to speak on. Not that the other posts are conjecture—totally read them, I’m a secret genius.
For real, though. Back to definitions. Who do we call a friend, who actually is, what are the prerequisites and the formalities and the like?
Let me start by talking about a conversation I had many years ago. I was driving to a wedding, long trip. Boom. Connection. We’re all in. Everything was on the real, no rest stops. These things happen if you let them. Conversation with a person that will listen is the single most important thing in the world. Gold can suck it. Dollars are meaningless. Years have gone by, times have changed, the old clock still strikes the way it always does, but I stick by that claim. One of my more lucid moments… let’s be honest, they’re few and far…
It’s a huge boon to your soul, being able to hash it out, to dive deep, to say what you’re really thinking. This should be foremost on everyone’s mind when they are building the structure that is their life. I’ve been fortunate in this regard, I won’t lie. Though I’ve never been the recipient of bundles of praise or money or even success, I’ll count myself amongst the favored because I always have people that I can really talk to. Not half-truths. Laid bare type shit. The dirty, the grimy, the trenches, all that. Sounds crappy. But here’s the deal. Life is battle. I’m thinking of the First World War at the moment. You’re in there, expelling everything sacred to your heart and mind—why? Because you’ll probably be dead in the next five minutes. You need someone to frigging talk to. “How’s the weather?” ain’t going to suffice as good convo in a situation like that. You’ll talk about the people you love, the things you blew, the huge triumphs and the sinking tragedies that make up all of our ordinary lives.
If it wasn’t so important, people wouldn’t reach out in those moments of peril. You don’t blather about your finances when they're about to shove a bomb down you and your boy’s throats. You say God Bless or I love you to whoever you love or whoever you didn’t love right and that’s pretty much the end of the damn discussion.
This is roundabout as per usual, but you catch my tarded drift. As a person that understands value (call me out if you may) I can tell you that my thesis is true. Real friends are the greatest thing in the world. I hope you think about it for a second before dismissing it. You’ve got your kid. You’ve got your wife. You’ve got all these things. Even God. Don’t you just want to talk, on the real, no bullshit, no prevarications? Of course you do. And if you don’t know it, I’m saying that this is the one thing that I know unequivocally. Call me dumb or overreaching or trivial, but hey, let’s be friends. If I say friend again I think the internet is going to revoke my license.
Night amigos. See you after.