Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Better

About Better

Post 33:


            There is always a better way to say it. One of those sad facts. It doesn’t have to be sad, though. It can actually be freeing. If you’re clutching for perfection I’m afraid your life will be empty. This comes from experience.

            That’s why I started writing this blog. Why I’m shirking the process that I’m supposed to subject myself to. There will be mistakes. There will be imperfections. But I’ll work hard. Get better, sharper.

            This is not a call to go off half-cocked. Use every available resource that’s helpful, take any advice that you can, as long as it doesn’t jam you up. It’s so easy to let the world jam you up—it’s a daily battle for most people—be prepared to lose a lot of them. I don’t want to be this cliché, but focus on the war.

            I think the world moves too fast to run your work through a litany of focus groups and beta tests. Create, break it apart, build it back, do it again, then quit at a reasonable point. There’s an infinite amount of space between here and perfect. Don’t waste too much time trying to comprehend the inscrutable.

            Just don’t be a slacker. I’m the king of fine lines, I know, but find a middle ground between beating your head against the wall and throwing crap against it to see what sticks.

            Put out your book or your video or build that whatever. I am guaranteeing you that there might be a missed comma or an imperfect cut or lighting that doesn’t quite work, but there always will be. Infinity’s a bitch. Deal with it.

            Later animals. See you after.

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About Jack and MItch

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About Standing