About Reaching
Post 71:
Some days it feels easy. Maybe you know what I’m talking about—when things are running fast and clean, the skids are greased just right, etc. Some days it’s like the world is science fiction and you’re the only one that knows it. Weird how you being you and the world being the world can come up with those two diametrically opposed scenarios, given the players are pretty much the same.
But that’s how it is. How I see it, anyway. And there’s the what to do’s in the face of it all. Clearly I’m no answer man. I’m more of the questioner. Like a shrink. Sorry if that’s a derogatory appellation; a therapist or whatever. Anyway, I think shrinks are good. Ever been to one? I have. Think everyone should go. Here’s the deal about shrinks—they don’t have a lot of answers, either. They can tell you’re sitting there reaching out for a hand, but it’s just more questions, more prodding, more trying to let their clients get at the truth themselves.
At least that’s what I’ve observed.
And that’s what we’re all doing. Reaching. The only question is how far to reach and for what. This blog isn’t meant to hurt or impugn, but I’m talking about bigger reaches. Non–bullshit reaches. Not, “should I reach for the bread or the salad,” or whatever. What’s available right now that you can put in your metaphorical hands and hold tight—what’s beyond your grasp and worth running toward?
I think the point is to reach, full extension, pretty much at all times. The world will slap your hand back more than it will take it, but when it does accept your grip and pulls you along, it’ll make it all the better.
This is all theoretical, mind you. I’ve been reaching my whole life and I’ve gotten rejected like Lebron is in the paint.
So grain of salt and all that.
I’m no new-ager, so don’t get me wrong. You can’t be anything you want. I hate those platitudinous expressions from people that have already achieved everything they wanted in life. Easy for them to say. All they did was reach when Lebron wasn’t there, lucky bastards.
Drive hard. Or don’t. You’ve got two options: get your ass kicked a bunch with the chance of a win, or sit on the bench and be bored.
If there’s one thing I fear more than anything in this world, it’s being boring. Being boring, being bored. With all the shit that’s going on, are you kidding me? Get in the game.
Sorry if I’m reaching. See you after.