Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Reality Road

About Reality Road

Post 79:

            It’s always a bit touchy when I allow myself occasion to slip into philosophizing. Talking to a buddy the other night, I told him that sometime I just can’t help myself. He said with levity on his lips that he didn’t have a philosophy. My response was that having no philosophy is a sort of philosophy in itself.

            One of those inescapable-type situations. My opinion, anyhow.

            What’s the point in any of it? I’d say it’s to figure out the right ways so that we’re more wrong than right. Pretty basic goal. It’s not the destination, but the road that makes it all a bit dodgy.

            Because there’s in each of us this huge potential for good or bad, wrong or right, call it whatever you want. There’s the billions of tiny choices we make and then the really monumental ones that life seems to force upon us. I find it fascinating: the ability of a good person to do terrible wrongs, and vice-versa, for seemingly maladjusted souls to issue forth goodness out of nowhere.

            There’s only two sides to the coin. But we’re talking ideals. The great majority of us are mixing right and wrong into a kind of convoluted color that looks less than pristine when slapped on the canvas. Murky. That’s a good word for it. But it can be murky at times. Especially when you’re not paying attention. At times I feel industrious and positive; sometimes I’ll even hold fast to that outlook for a protracted period of time.

            And then there’s the inevitable slips. Doubt, fear, resentment, pure laziness. It’s a laundry list. And maybe the solution is to not be too hard on yourself. I’ve always tacitly acknowledged that argument, but never really adhered to it. Most of the time I’m being hard on myself it’s because I’m being a schmuck that needs to get it together.

            So I’ll try for the side of right. And when I fall asleep at the wheel, hopefully I wake up before I’m completely off that road we were talking about. Yeah. Not the most uplifting of messages. But talking ideals is rarely all sunshine and unicorns. And I’m no preacher. Just a guy that thinks too much and needs a haircut. Seriously, it’s getting out of control. Talk about wrong.

            See you after.

About Henry Fellows (Chapter Three Concluded)

About Henry Fellows (Chapter Three Concluded)

About Gambles

About Gambles