Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About A Tree

About A Tree

Post 74:

            I recently moved up to the Midwest. First time I’m going through the actual flux of seasons. Mixed bag: new experiences are great, but it’s cold as heck.

            Anyway, I live in a downtown area, and outside my door there’s this huge tree that’s turned a beautiful amber. It’s a late fall I guess, so the leaves are still fluttering in the cold breeze. I go out to sit and read and I’ve got two choices about what’s outside.

            Because beyond the tree is a soulless office building and behind that a soulless arena and more edifices that are similarly lacking in soul. I don’t have anything against buildings, but man is yet to make something as beautiful as a tree or a meadow or mountain.

            So I’m trying to figure out what to say is out my door. That’s pretty much it. I could tell you the truth and talk about the grass and the tree, or I could tell you about the endless urban scape that stretches out beyond it.

            Both are true. So anyway, there’s this tree outside, totally awesome…

            Keeping it short today. I mean, I’m talking about a tree.

            Go see some stuff. See you after.

About Henry Fellows (Chapter Three Continued)

About Henry Fellows (Chapter Three Continued)

About Cowboys

About Cowboys