About New
Post 91:
We’re coming up on another year. I’ve never given much credence to the whole New Year thing: resolutions, turning over a new leaf, looking forward to the next chapter, all the rest.
I’m partially jaded because as a working musician I haven’t “celebrated” a New Year’s Eve since college. In other words, it’s been a bit. On the other hand, being the entertainer or the background music for everyone else’s entertainment has perched me in a unique position to gain some understanding of the whole show. For most it’s just an excuse to get drunk, a few lend some weight to the affair, some are in the middle. I used to think the whole bit was a touch ridiculous, being that it’s just another day, but I think I’m softening on that particular opinion.
Not the occasion, specifically. Yeah, I’ll need to specify what I’m specifying on this one. Let’s talk about the next thing, the new, for lack of a better word, change.
The coming of a new year is as good a time as any to take stock. Taking stock is important—that’s why they have people that stock things.
No fooling though, it is a vital part of life. Me, and I suspect most of us, are constantly taking stock, so we don’t need a day where we look back and then turn around and tell the future what’s gonna be different. But some do. Either way, it’s a good idea. Whether you plan to improve or not, it’s fairly wise to go over things, be self-aware. Part of not being an asshole.
What’s a resolution? It’s a stronger word for plan, if you’ll allow me to define it without pulling out the Webster’s. Plans are tenuous things themselves; we all know the quotes about God laughing at plans and life happening while you’re making other ones. Awesome quotes, but still, you kind of need a plan.
2017 is chock full of plans on my end. Probably more so than any other in my life. I’ve got three more finished books to release into the wild world, two more to finish, money to make, a craft to keep crafting—all the while in a new town around new people.
Could be just what I need. But I’m not so stuffed with hubris that I think my plans will go the way I intend. Good curveballs are only in short supply in baseball. Perhaps things will go better than my tiny brain can anticipate. I’ll hope for it, and I’ll hope the same for you. It’d be nice to see a whole heap of us getting a leg up on life. God knows life has given its share of licks and has a bunch more to give before the game is up. So I’ll try and stick to my plans, avoid resolutions, and hope for the best. About all a soul drifting through the cosmos can do. Cheers and kick it up out there. See you after.