Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About The Liars

About The Liars

Post 259:

            There comes a time when one has to let go of their creation and allow it to be received by whatever’s out there. They say the first step is the hardest, but the last one sucks worse. I’ve tried both type of steps. So science. Losing control, wondering if what you did was good or worthy. It’s a tax on any conscientious soul, but a tax that must be paid if the horse is going to ever leave the barn.

            See? I’m so upset, I’m mixing allusions and metaphors and similes and who knows what. These are trying times.

            It always comes back on you, the question of worth or worthiness. A few schools on this, and they both produce a wide range of results.

            School One says throw it out there fast and hard, because there’s no such thing as better than anything else. This is good for production, and every now and then, there’s a touchdown. Kind of a spray and pray type situation. Gross. Sorry.

            School Two says there are definitely good creations and the not so good. Adherents to School Two take care, ruminate, study, postulate, buff, polish, etc. This sounds great, but there lies a danger of sucking the passion right out of the thing.

            I’m inventing School Three. The one where you do something resembling your best, and stuff the regrets and worries in the bag with all the crap you’re going to carry around for the rest of your existence. They told you it was going to be fun and games.

            They’re liars. Except those dudes in the back. Hey guys. Didn’t see you there.

            Let it out. But try not to suck.

            See you after.


About Empathy and Hand Grenades

About Empathy and Hand Grenades

About Thanksgiving

About Thanksgiving