Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Gratitude and Space Heaters

About Gratitude and Space Heaters

Post 272:

            Sometimes it’s hard not to be completely blown away by the fact that people are even here. On Earth, I mean. Or wherever else people might be. I’m not one for setting limits.

            It occurred to me on the walk home from work tonight. The wind was up a bit, the temperature down around 5 or 10 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s maybe a half mile back to my place. I about froze my bollocks off.

            People are tough. And people back in the day, don’t even get me started. How in the name of Zeus did folks manage to survive a century ago, two centuries ago?

            Astounding. Living to the age of forty in Ohio in the 1800’s is more impressive than literally anything a person can do in our current time.

            Bring on the magic. All the miracles of modern science. The next mind-altering technology.

            Crap. I scoff. I balk. Not really… But in comparison, I think, really. It’s crazy how crazy awesome people are, their tenacity, the will to survive and make a life. It’s crazy how soft I am, and what feeble thanks I give to those that came before me.

            Because if they call it a day, I’m never born.        

            So thanks, you tough dead bastards. I am forever in your debt, forever awed by your ingenuity and strength. Know that there is a guy typing words right now with a space heater aimed directly at his ass who is grateful.

            Cheers. See you after.


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About Rocky Starts

About The Old College Jedi

About The Old College Jedi