Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

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Post 138:


            I woke up early today, which if you know me, you know it’s not my thing. My stomach felt like the San Andreas was shifting my insides; total hunger rumblings.

            So there was this errand and that, getting the ducks in a row. Then it was time for food. Despite my nature and despite my desire to find the nearest barbeque place and slam a rack of ribs, I decided to curb my fleshly desires and get a healthy, salubrious portion of soup.

            So it’s off to a place where they serve soup. That’s all they do. It’s a soup place, and no, I’m not broke, so it wasn’t a “soup kitchen.”

            Here’s the rub. The soup sucked. It’s not because I have any aversion toward soup—it was simply bad. I decided to go all silver lining and tell myself that I at least saved some caloric intake by abandoning the meal at about the quarter mark.

            So whatever, no big deal. Only, it does nettle me a little, a soup place sucking at the one thing they do. Seems kind of ridiculous.

            The place is in disrepair. They need to go back to the drawing board, figure out where it’s going wrong. I do it all the time. I require more updates than my Iphone, so I get it. Going in for a tune-up takes time and you have to hear about what you could be doing better and what’s wrong; the whole thing is a brain-drain. That said, it’s better to know and do something about it than to go around sputtering your inadequacies all over the community.

            Some things you can’t fix, understandably. Maybe soup just isn’t your thing. It’s time to try sandwiches. I guess the point is, if you’re going to go around doing something, at least try to get it right. Muddling down the road clunking and clacking is just a pain in the balls, but that’s what makes banging on all cylinders feel so good.

            So get to banging. Wait, what just happened?

            See you after.

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