About Structuring
Post 142:
I like to look at buildings. Architecture is one of the many things in life that I understand very little and ponder way too much.
I like buildings because they are the perfect meeting place of style and function. Surely every architect worth their salt wants to design a building with the creative verve of (insert name of an famous architect because I can’t) but they’re saddled with the reality of physics, nature, city codes, what the client needs, etc. It’s unlikely that anyone designing a building gets the go-ahead to just run amuck with their bad self.
So enter compromise. Oh damn you, compromise, with your take-your-medicine, imperial presence. For once would you just leave the room and let the kids play?
No. Compromise has an ugly head, made for rearing. So boundaries abound, and in between those boundaries, expression and individualism have their moments. It’s the world. Making something beautiful in a world that is overwrought with limits is the challenge, but again, it’s the world. Gravity. The tides. Electricity. Nature has its rules. So many. But it also gives humanity a chance to be great.
Human flight is a wonderful thing, but it wouldn’t be a big deal unless there needed to be a serious workaround to achieve it.
So many necessaries. That’s what I call the crap we have to do and the lines inside which we have to color. But so what? Grow up, and find ways to run amuck. If only for the purpose of keeping the phrase run amuck alive. If only for the purpose of being alive.
See you after.