Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Cracks and Hugs

About Cracks and Hugs

Post 156:

            The problem with words is…they’re just words. I ain’t Noam Chomsky or frigging Plato, but even dumb old me can recognize that using the word beautiful to describe something that’s, well, beautiful, isn’t getting to the essence of the thing. Words are just symbols heard or seen on a page.

            Then again, they evoke something. The art of life is in part conveying what’s going on in your mind, so cultivating mad word skills is a way to get closer to that goal. Still, saying I love you is great, but cleaning out the fridge before she gets home or getting him some extra beers for poker night with his boys might say it better.

            We’re all operating moment to moment, walking tonics of logic and emotion and resentments and truths. Ad infinitum. For a bunch of simple souls, we’re pretty hard to nail down. I guess all you can do is crack them books and give someone a hug. Take that Noam Chomsky. See you after.

About The Laws of Space

About The Laws of Space

About The Laws of Space

About The Laws of Space