About Fate and Togas
Post 185:
Back in ancient Athens, there were some heavy literary hitters. A few of their citizens became masters of drama, specifically, tragedy.
Now I don’t want to go into book report mode. But let me recommend a re-reading of the Oedipus the King. Two reasons. First, it’s short, shouldn’t take you long at all. Second, it’s frigging good.
Thanks to Dr. Freud we’ve all heard of the Oedipus complex, and that’s something I want to steer clear from, mostly because it’s creepy. If you think the story is about some dude wanting to get it on with his mother, you’re completely off. Poor Oedipus wants nothing of the kind. Just so happens…
The story is about fate. All kinds of prophecies and predictions get made on behalf this dude, and he does everything he can to avoid them. In the end, the play questions life, kind of making it an either/or situation. Either we are subject to chaos, or this whole deal is already written down.
It’s one of the big questions. Fundamentally, perhaps, the question. And the play does a really wonderful job of asking it. Most literary types know this little drama very well, some call it the perfect plot, but most people that have ever gone on a date probably forgot about it.
Just a thought reminder. What is this thing we’re doing? Is it chaos or fate? Or worse still, is the chaos fated? I’ll shut up now.
Cheers. See you after.