Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Keeping Your Distance

About Keeping Your Distance

Post 199:

            “How far away were you?”

            “How close?”

            These are the questions you’re asked when asked to recount something of importance that happened in your midst.

            Both are good questions.

            But me, being me, wants to generalize it. If you’ll indulge: How far away are you?

            Though it might seem trivial, ride it out. How “stuck in” do we get in our lives? By stuck in, of course, I mean to question how involved we as a people get in the dirt and the grime that is life. How involved in are we with our neighbors? How mindful are we with ourselves?

            Yeah, that last one was to make a point. I’m a dick like that. But it is a good question. If we’re trying to better the guy next to us, it seems we better have already tried to better ourselves.

            Just a thought.

            I think we should be in the thick of it. As a general rule, get stuck in when it feels like that time not to. Two things. You’ll have better stories, and you’ll probably be a better person.

            What do I know. See you after. 

About The Laws of Space

About The Laws of Space

About The Good Preachers

About The Good Preachers