About Everyone
Post 307:
I hasten to ever recommend a contemporary book, but I finished Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave and thought I might advance my thoughts.
I wasn’t fired up to get to the next scene, but as far as something to slowly soak up, this is a real find. The verbiage borders on poetry, scene after scene, page after page. He never lets off the gas. More than the usual amount of work went into this book. And books are already a pain in the nuts. Two thumbs, five stars, certified fresh, whatever system you use. When you’re not reading my books, read this dude’s work.
Some of the scenes are undeniably heartbreaking, but what I liked most was the relentless humor of the characters in the face of terrific tragedy.
It’s a consummately British novel; the stiff upper lip and ironic detachment almost grab you by the throat. If you’re in to that sort of thing, get after it.
I happen to love it. So very well done. Just like life. We often cry and laugh during the same day. The same hour. The same minu—you get what I’m saying.
Feel that mess. Let it out and let it in. Worked for the Beatles.
Cheers, Lords and Ladies. See you after.