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About A Film I Liked

About A Film I Liked

Post 412:

            I’m forever behind the times, but I try to keep up on most new books and films. The Netflix could keep a person occupied to the end of time, so one has to exercise a smidge of discretion when choosing what to see.

            Once in a while it’s good to just click and hope for the best. This I did with The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, a movie based on a book I must apologize I didn’t read. Romance isn’t my usual bag, so—well, I’m a dude.

            Anyway, I really found this to be a treat. The lead actress is delightful. I’m a man, mind you. I don’t go around using the word delightful too often. I recognize her from a few things (Baby Driver, The Darkest Hour) and she lights up the screen, ebullient in an old school sort of way. She outclassed Winston Churchill in The Darkest Hour and I think she elevates this period piece in a similar way.

            Maybe she’s best in WW2 era dramas—if so, there are worse things to be.

            Still, I should hate this film. First, it’s an adaptation. Books are where it’s at. I’m supposed to adhere to that mantra, but screw it—mantras are for losers.

            Second, I pretty much can’t stand stories about people that write stories. This had me put off at the outset, but the plot gives enough gentle nudges to make you forgive the fact that the protagonist is a writer. (Writers aren’t interesting, generally—trust me—there’s not a lot of Hemingway’s out and about)

            So what has me liking this film? First, the lead actress, as I said. Second, the island where it’s filmed is beautiful and idyllic. It looks like Heaven. Third, the plot is quirky enough and has dashes of real pain and tragedy—enough not to get into Nicholas Sparks territory. (Apologies to his fans)

            The characters are complex-ish, the acting is great. It’s a nice way to spend a few hours. No new ground is broken, but working off a really neat little premise, they do a lot with Potato Peel Pie Society. Plus, got to give it points for the name.

            Recommended. Cause that’s what I do. It’s probably not for action film aficionados, but let me say that Robocop and Diehard are in my top 10 movies of all time. So stick it. Ha! Give it a go if you have the time. Cheers and see you after.



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