Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Confidence and Pamphlets

About Confidence and Pamphlets

Post 421:

            There’s probably a billion sayings about confidence. Another billion books about confidence. Pamphlets. Memes. Sentences scribbled on dry-erase boards in locker rooms the world over.

            Well. That’s because it’s frigging important.

            To perform specifically or in general, confidence is key. It’ll help you sail through the job, through the thing, life, whatever. The rub is, it’s hard to keep and keep in check. If it gets out of hand, you’re screwed. The confidence thing is now some weird gloating type deal, where you can’t even see when you’re sucking it up.

            Confidence is delicate. Best way I know how to describe it.

            I’ll expand. You have to earn it. Earn the ability and the right to carry around confidence. But once you’ve earned it, you have to keep earning it, otherwise you get soft and mushy—only, you still think you’re awesome, cause all that confidence.

            It’s like getting fat and looking in the mirror everyday, telling yourself it’s all good in the hood.

            No. It’s not all good in the hood.

            You want confidence? Do a chin up or something. And stop telling yourself everything’s okay all the time. How about one of those honest assessments? Yeah, they suck, but a map’s no good if you don’t know where you’re standing.

            I recommend heeding my words. Or you could read one of those billions of books on confidence. Personally, I recommend leafing through one of the aforementioned pamphlets that’s been making the rounds.

            Cheers. Get that swagger. Yeah. Pamphlet swagger. See you after, knuckleheads.

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About The Crusader

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