About Them Russians
Post 516:
I like it when a story subtly takes me to a perfect conclusion. All points converge, and it seems like it was so simple, it had almost had to turn out that way.
It didn’t.
That’s the hand of a great storyteller at work.
Watching Eastern Promises the other day, I confirmed this to be the case. It has always been one of my favorite movies, but I never really knew why.
So I wrote some things down.
The story is contained. There’s about five or six integral characters, and it doesn’t breach those walls for anything. The intrigue is enough to keep you engaged without resorting to a sprawling story or bloated cast.
Those are the easy ways out. Not so, here.
I do have a penchant for the political thriller, but the spy/political aspect of this story is almost tangential, until you realize that it’s been driving the whole bus.
Every scene is essential. Not important. Essential. It’s funny how a story that moves “slow” requires you to be at the edge of your seat to understand all of its intricacies.
The end is the perfect result. A man and woman who love each other, standing over a safe baby. The dunce in the background, soon to be another vanquished foe. The moment won’t last, but this perfect picture is a symbol that things are as they should be.
A few things. It’s dark and gloomy and sad. For the first five or six minutes, you might wonder if there’s a point to all the murky Russian tragedy.
That’s a good question.
But the answer is yes.
Cheers and see you after.