Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Despite Overwhelming

About Despite Overwhelming

Post 685:

At certain points there is simply not enough time to get good chunks of writing done. Life gets complex sometimes, too many moving parts, etc.

I’m the type that doesn’t feel good unless I knock out a solid couple thousand words. If it’s a page or two, I tend to say what’s the point?

It’s actually not a stupid question. I’ve heard people say that you should write when you can, but if you’re distracted to no end, is thirty minutes in front of a manuscript really going to benefit you?

It probably will, but I think it may be more efficacious to the psyche than the work. Maybe it does something to keep your head in the game. Something like that.

One more thing. There are seasons of life when you’re only going to get a half hour here and there no matter what you do. Kids. Moves. Relationships. Relationship problems. Training for a triathlons. (Not me personally)

In these cases, learning to do some sprinter’s work might be the only way to go. We deal with it. The thing will get done if you really want it done. My main point: If you need to set down that bag of bricks for a little while, don’t beat yourself up.

Later. I’ve got to get back to beating myself up. Practice what you preach and all that.

Cheers and see you after.

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About The Lesser of Two Evils

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