About One Brilliant and Honest Thing
Post 694:
Let’s be honest. We’re not exactly brilliant all the time. At work or at life in general, it’s not a standard that anyone is capable of maintaining. I’m in the middle of a move right now, and I have to be honest, it’s amazing how much time I waste. The amount of crap that’s getting done at present makes that fact evident.
It’s not really a revelation. My style has always been to go supercharged and then crash. The tortoise and the hare never really rubbed off.
But I do try to be honest about my failings. This sucks and doesn’t feel great, but hey, them’s the breaks. And it’s not all bad. Honestly, it could be worse. And every morning I get another chance to do something brilliant. Just one thing. I don’t have a chart or anything, but I try to do something honest to the best of my ability at least once a day. Could be a paragraph. Could be an outline. Could be a song. Could be the way I hold the door open for ten minutes for some older ladies.
Doesn’t matter.
Unless we’re bedridden or whatever, we’ve all got one honest attempt in us per day. I’m honestly not sure if this is true, but honestly hope so.
Be brilliant. Cheers and see you after.