About The Long Run
Post 534:
There’s a few things to do when choosing what to write or create. Take whatever’s popular. Anything that’s drawing eyes and the attention of internet people. Anything and everything. Boil it all down. Then make something that amounts to an amalgamation of all those current trends.
After all that, you can press delete and start on something real.
Get it? That first paragraph was one of those sarcasm deals.
Going with the current requires less muscular exertion, sure, but it’s short-sided.
It’s probably better in the long run to be able to come up with original ideas. There are no rules in fiction. Theoretically, anyhow. Of course, if you ever get a deal with the puppet masters, they’ll come down from their mountain with a hundred or so stone tablets filled with litigious parameters. Because creativity.
The point is, going forward, every person you meet is going to try to contain your crazy. Thus, starting out, it’s important to throw caution to the wind. If you’re already self-censoring or pandering or limiting yourself in any way, the project will be one vapid peace of crap by the time it’s wrapped.
For any reactionaries, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t give people what they want. Just don’t make a collage of everything you think will get you somewhere. If you don’t know the difference, it’s probably time to look at your reasons for doing what you do.
Reasons matter. This is about the long run. Self-respect and such. I guess those are still things. Unless we get hit by an asteroid. In that case, I take back everything I just wrote.
In the Long Run. A great Eagles song. And a thing.
Cheers and see you after.