About Hubris Day
Post 547:
Happy Ides of March. For those that don’t know, this is the day that Julius Caesar got stabbed forty or fifty times for taking a big dump on a Republic that had been terribly corrupt but still a Republic for five or six hundred years. The history is a little contested and maybe it didn’t happen exactly the way they say, but broad strokes, let’s go with the standard issue. 44 B.C. I’m doing this off the top of my head, but I’m a decent type nerd with this stuff.
They should call this Hubris Day. A day where everyone takes stock of their ambitions for a few seconds in order to keep it real and humble. If you go throwing out self-analysis in the name of pure achievement, you might get assassinated. Metaphorically. Lying there in an ignominious pool, what are you gonna be thinking?
Maybe nothing. How the hell do I know?
You could go the other way. Celebrate Hubris Day. Bask in it. Take a shower in it. Screw it. You’re the man. You’re the woman. The rules and traditions of hundreds of years be damned. Because you. And you’re awesome. Look at the statues and monuments of the those that preceded and say, “I can do better. I am better. Let’s do this, world.”
Hubris Day. A time for contemplation and celebration. Join me. Add dinner and it makes about as much sense as most dang holidays.
Hubris Day greeting cards. That’s where the money’s at. I knew there had to be an angle. Gosh. I’m so clever. Wait. That just slipped out. I’m a nobody. Just Joe Average from the other side of nowhere.
See? Isn’t this………….fun?
Haha. Cheers sports fans. Happy Hubris Day. See you after.