About When You're You
Post 626:
There was a documentary on about the formation of a nation that is currently a big-time player on the world stage. It’s one of those old countries with a complex story that goes way back. I’m talking old. Before cell phones, even.
Anyway, the whole thing was about how to decide when this place officially became a country. I thought it was interesting, because I sometimes wonder when I’ll officially become what I am.
Obviously, I’m a grown ass man and should already know this (Little secret. The most grown up of grown-ups don’t really know that much) but sometimes it just feels like I’m on the way to bringing it all home—but it’s not quite there. I shouldn’t get a flag or anthem just yet.
It can feel this way about your work. Maybe there’s a better creative spirit inside of you that hasn’t been tapped into yet. This very well may be. In fact, it’s likely. But that shouldn’t prevent you from chucking out whatever you got right now. I sort of hate myself for saying this, but what you make is just a recording of a moment in your work life. It ain’t the end or the beginning. Maybe you’re proud, but you’ll probably be prouder some day in the future.
It’s all chasing. And someday, when you look back, maybe you’ll be super gratified with how clever you were. More likely, you’ll be super gratified that you put in the work. The work, my friends. That’s the deal. That’s how you get an anthem. Even if you have to make it up yourself. I just got home from a used book store. So many books. So many stories written by people not quite themselves. But we still love them. There’s whole buildings filled with the damn things. People with questionable hygiene have jobs because creators from here to Timbuktu said screw it, this is the best I got right now. Get back to me in a few weeks. And take this with you. I wrote it when I woke up this morning.
Whew. That was dope. Feeling pretty, pretty, pretty, profound.
To you right now and you then. Cheers and see you after.