About Enough Unknown
Post 648:
Lately I’ve been trying to squeeze in a little science fiction, and rather than watch The Next Generation for the fiftieth time, I’ve done my best at sinking my teeth into The Expanse. It’s highly recommended and gets good ratings. Deserves them, too.
Good sci-fi isn’t all that easy to pull off. I’d know, having failed and accomplished the task, about half and half. Where The Expanse falls short (for me) is by having an excess of unknowns.
Unknowns are the only reason a story exists, so obviously I’m not railing against the idea of mystery or suspense.
Too much unknown can take away, however. The big evil (or not evil) thing everyone is chasing after is ill-defined. I get why they won’t define it—some think it’s more creepy and formidable, makes the task of doing something about it much harder. Yet, it’s hard for me to stay completely interested when I don’t know what I’m facing.
The books may be different, but my investment can only go so far when I don’t know what I’m investing in.
This sounds like a hatchet job, but I’m only trying to make a point. This is still a good show. Solid plotting, maybe some acting that’s off, but a host of really interesting characters. The tech and special effects are great as well.
But what’s the thing? The proto-deal. It pretty much does everything, but we know not its purpose, its ultimate goal, the confines of its power….
I need to know a few things. I’m a dumb guy and I want to like your story. Keep this in mind when you’re writing your own. Cheers and see you after.