Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Wrong Being Good

About Wrong Being Good

Post 906:

Okay, that’s a weird title for an essay, but I couldn’t come with anything better. Deal. Let’s try and make some sense.

Does it seem like people are sure of themselves? Of things? Of all things? Is this a new phenomenon, an escalating trend, or am I just misreading the situation?

Could be all three. That would suck. Anyway, I’m getting a lot of certainty vibes lately. Intransigence. Obduracy. Stubbornness. Other words that mean the same thing.

Surety has always been pretty elusive in my brain world. Philosophies, tastes, and opinions tend to change for me, and not in the normal ways people change their minds as they get older.

One weird thing about opinions I’ve observed; I’m especially all about things I used to not care for at all. Examples! I’ve fallen in hardcore heart feelings for ladies that at first seemed to not be my thing. Art is another great example. Movies and especially songs that are now some of my faves were once in the “no thank you” column. I was sure they sucked. Frigging certain.

Perhaps I just jump the gun. I should be more reserved. Perhaps…?

It’s a weird deal, and at first it might seem a case to be less passionate. If one possesses more equanimity then they won’t judge people or things too quickly. This is the safe play, but boring. I say be passionate, but be willing to be wrong. It’s more fun. Whatever stays in your heart will have earned it. Cause you’re a little nutty.

This does lead to another thought which is hard to balance with the whole case for passion. You have to be willing to commit and willing to go back on yourself. It’s insane, but rewarding. I have no scientific way to prove this, but getting proven wrong is weirdly satisfying. And it’s something to think about for all the sure-footed out there shouting along their paths of certainty.

Weird one. Hopefully it starts a thought. Maybe I’m alone on this one. I’m not… sure. Sorry.

Cheers and see you after.

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