About Good Time Wasted
Post 785:
A couple days ago I opened up my laptop ready for action, ready for work, when I realized I’d lost the two thousand words from the previous day. It’s pretty hard to do something this dumb, but it happened. I’m not the best multi-tasker, blah blah who cares.
Anyway, I had the Holy Crap headrush and started spitting curses at myself. The words “wasted time” were uttered out loud or silently seven or eight thousand times before my blood fell below boiling.
Upon reflection, it’s not so bad. I remembered most of the stuff I did, and before I publish the book or have it published, it’ll change a ton.
If you do something stupid or go the wrong direction and have to back up, it should piss you off for a minute. But if you’re like me, it’s better that you did something and it wasn’t a waste. Your mind went to a billion different places, pictured the faces of your characters, saw the settings again and again, thought about the scope of your story and how awesome it’ll be when you win awards and stuff.
There’s wasted time and then there’s wasted time, is what I’m saying. Also there’s a song by the Eagles called “Wasted Time” that is really good. All those things.
Cheers and see you after.