About Cheating With People
Post 832:
I’ve never felt like there was enough time. This is a common trait of loafers, procrastinators, and no-accounts the whole world round. Knowing I share the affliction with others doesn’t make it any better, so I’m left to suffer, just me my ticking clock and I.
We all have slightly different reasons for feeling the time crunch, but I believe it comes from our want to do so much and be so many people and try so many things. Have you ever been labeled something and agreed? Me too, but my next thought is generally, “I could change into something else though…”
Maybe, but probably not.
You only get the one life, and there’s barely enough time to become a fully-formed sentient being. I could argue that you never actually are fully-formed, not in every possible way.
Ah, luckily there’s a cheat: Other people.
I’ve always placed a huge value on friendship and family. That doesn’t mean I do the best job at cultivating, but mostly I’m pretty good with it. I’m lucky to be very close with a lot of people, but it’s not because I’m cool; no, they’re the cool ones, and I just pretend to be worth hanging around.
Why go to the trouble?
Because you want to be proud, be awesome at everything, but it’s not possible. This is where friends are super useful. There’s nothing like being proud of a friend; it might be better than being proud of yourself. (I’m speaking of pride in that way that’s not pride, you know, the good kind)
Often, I’ll find myself arguing with friends. When you’re close and comfortable, there’s going to be discord once in a while. This can make the relationship stronger, but ultimately it’s overrated. Don’t argue too much. Remember why you’re friends in the first place. He can make people he’s never met before totally at ease. She can do sign language and hugs everyone without thinking. They were there for you that one time and it’s hard to say if you would’ve done the same had the situations been reversed.
So don’t waste time. Cheat. See you after.