About Niche or Not
Post 1100:
Having sung for my supper most of my adult life, I’ve learned a few things one would expect. Plus a few other things. Group dynamics, for one.
The other night a lady close to the stage was having SO much fun. Too much drink or too much excitement and it was all getting away from her. This is not an indictment on buffoonish revelry, by the way. I’ve spent a great deal of my life as a buffoonish reveler.
There’s a point where your fun starts to impede the fun of everybody else in the group or at the party. It happens almost every night at my job. People start getting uncomfortable, pulling at their collars and rolling weary eyes at this person who is in their own world doing their own thing. Hey, a little overindulgence isn’t going to destroy the planet.
And it’s not. Ultimately, there are greater sins in life than wanting to paint the town, howl at the moon, light it up, etc. etc.
Of course, it led my mind away from the art of social conventions and into the world of actual art. It occurred to me that often writers and other forms of artists get lost having a great time and this can be at the expense of the intended recipients. A little consideration is wise during creation.
I’m trying to make a point about being niche or being more accessible. It’s a personal choice and there’s no wrong answer. If you want to do your thing your exact way, some people might like it. There’s always a few dedicated followers that hold onto that overbearing person at the bar. They might be niche, but they’ve got some loyal fans.
Something to think about for yourself and those you hope to serve. Cheers and see you after.