About Original Sellouts
Post 1016:
It’s all been done. We all know it. There’s nothing new under the sun. That’s what they say, and if they say it, by Jove I believe it. Still, there’s this strange insatiable push to do something original. To give birth to a truly unique work of art. I know, it’s chasing after the wind. But maybe I like chasing after the wind. After all, I’ve done far less productive things with my time.
And it’s not like we’re going to invent the love story or the hero journey or the tragedy. Granted. Still, we all have a chance to get it right using nothing but our own minds and perspectives, senses of humor and history. That’s pretty cool if you think about it. It’s a level playing field, all of us equal with our unique experiences and genetic makeups, etc. frigging etc. Infinite variety! Yay!
Considering how damn precious we all are, what’s with the nothing new deal? I think it’s a generalization and a pretty powerful one, but it doesn’t mean you can’t create something badass. Really, it’s not even worth thinking about…
So anyway, I was thinking about it. Whatever the rules of the universe, whatever the Laws of Gods and Men, I’m thinking we should strive hardcore for originality. It’s not always easy, I know, because there are so many examples of good work. These examples can easily bleed into your own thing and adulterate that uniqueness you’re working for. That’s bound to happen. Don’t sweat it. The person you think is super unique bled some of their vibe off someone else, anyhow.
It’s a complicated subject. I recognize. Maybe it seems like I’m spinning my wheels. Probably am. But here’s why I bring it up in the first place. I’m feeling like subject matter and storytelling should be getting bigger and more creative, but it seems like it’s harder to find original stuff. There’s plenty of new technologies to help deliver your story, true, but medium can’t do the work of good character and plot. Call me an old man with one foot in the grave and I’ll call you correct, but maybe I’ve got a point on this one.
TV is wildly different than novels which are wildly different from short stories which are wildly different from movies and short films—still, story is always the main goal. Don’t get me wrong, agenda or ideology can totally run through the story. It just can’t be the delivery system. If it’s the delivery system, then it itself has become the story. You might as well just come out and say what you’re trying to say if this happens, and it happens a lot. Agendas and ideologies are unavoidable; what I’m talking about are priorities. If being interesting and entertaining is the main goal, trying to do something different is a good place to start. Like I said, everyone on Earth has all the tools.
I actually believe the following and I’ll come right out and say it because this is not a story but instead just a dork writing yet another thing on the internet: There isn’t one person on the planet right now who isn’t a hundred times more interesting than any current “style” or “trend” that legions of creatives out there are currently climbing over each other to emulate. Just do you. But mean it. Not the you that makes the most sense because of what’s selling or what’s hot. All that stuff is boring and it has nothing to do with telling a good story or being awesome. Disclaimer: this method takes thought and it might even hurt a little. No worries, it’s that good burn.
Does this mean you have to go off the rails and come with some sort of all-over-the-map weirdness to be creative and cool? No. Just don’t make extra rules is all I’m saying. The rules are going to come after you no matter what in the end, so keep it real as long as possible.
That’s if you care about such things. Maybe the time for such things is over. Nah… that’s just some unoriginal bullshit that was running through my head right then. Do you. The real one. After that, my friends…that’s when you become a sellout. Dolla Dolla Bills Y’all!
Cheers and see you after.