Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Things That Work and Narcissism

About Things That Work and Narcissism

Post 1045:

It’s hard to find reliability these days. I’m not really talking about people, although I certainly could. There’s a lot to pick from there. Grifters, politicians, experts, pundits, and bloggers are mostly full of righteous purpose and moral authority until they have any old reason not to be. But like I said, I’m not talking about all those usual suspects today. What does have my blood up? The broken elevator to my parking garage.

Today was like oh so many before. 100 degrees, which really means 120 when you’re downtown, and there’s a single sheet of printer paper taped to the thing. It says that the elevator is OUT. It says sorry. It says call this number for assistance. What are they going to assist me with? Are they going to carry me like a man-baby up the ridiculously awful stairwell that looks like it belongs in the final scene of a horror film? I doubt it. I don’t know, maybe I’ll give it a call next time.

Because I’m me, I kicked the door really hard and said a bad word in front of freaked out strangers, then flipped two middle fingers to the camera that looks down on the spot. This is how adults express their discontentment in an adult way. The sad thing is, I’ve matured a great deal these last few years. Don’t even get me started on 2017… those were wild times…

Although the elevator makes my life harder and sweatier, it does remind me to appreciate the things I can rely on in this world. There’s actually a lot to hang your hat on if you think about it. I’m not saying existence is a Swiss watch, but there’s more than enough Old Faithfuls to put your mind at ease when and if you need to.

The elevator also makes me want to be more reliable. I don’t love the idea of being kicked and scorned and reviled by those that need me. That’s no way to go through life. Whenever I’m in the mood to let myself or someone else down in the future by being an unreliable sack of nuts, I’m going to think about myself seething in the street, salt gathering in my squinting, angry little eyes. That’s right. I’m the kind of narcissist that thinks about himself in order to think about others.

My narcissism. Talk about reliable. Set your watch to that shiz. Cheers and see you after.

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About The Laws of Spacer (Added Content)

About Just Before (Added From: Mr. Speech)

About Just Before (Added From: Mr. Speech)