Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Emotional Flooding

About Emotional Flooding

Post 1126:

There’s a lot to say about the human condition. I’ve made my feelings known from various angles about different aspects of what makes us us. Frankly, I can’t help it. I’m obsessive, obdurate, relentless, neurotic and dense. Just so you know some of my human conditions.

One more human condition I have is the tendency to self-criticize and self-analyze to the point where it drags me down into the deep dark caverns of existence. I’ve always been like that. It’s not some teacher’s fault or my parents’ fault or anyone’s fault, except maybe mine. Who knows? We’re all built a certain way. (I guess today I’m more nature than nurture)

So, is all this self-examination good? Yes. But like I said, it can drag me down. Too much of it makes me turn against myself not for betterment but for self-loathing and self-pity. That’s not cool, and it really adds nothing to the game.

More importantly, this tendency, this condition, can spill over onto other people. I find myself being overly critical of others without even knowing it. Another way to describe it: I can be a real asshole. That most of the time I don’t even know it’s happening doesn’t matter to the subject of the treatment. Nobody wants to be treated like that. (Keep in mind, calling people out that are actually being assholes is mostly a good thing)

I’m working on it, because letting your conditions spill onto others is both gross and uncool. It’s going to happen, but try to keep it in your pants. That’s all I’m saying.

There’s that thing about getting your own house in order. I’m a big fan of that. And yet still, for some reason I’ll sleepwalk over to someone else’s house and start sanding the cabinetry. It’s frigging weird. No idea where the tendency comes from. Guess it’s time for more self-examination. Ah, the human condition. What a glorious ride. Cheers and see you after.

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