Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Making a Mess

About Making a Mess

Post 1248:

Thinking about storytelling can sometimes be a trap for creativity. The better thing to do, usually, is to go ahead and tell the dang thing as best you can. Let your imagination run wild and when the first draft is done, sort out the mess.

Because imagination indeed makes a mess. And there are things that need to be cleaned up. Too many words, not enough words, not enough motivation, over-explaining… there’s always work to be done. It can seem daunting. But as I continue to learn and fail and learn some more, here’s a few things I’ve more or less settled on.

Mechanics matter. That is, if you want anyone to enjoy the work. Characters can make mistakes, but they should be who you set them up to be. The plot should adhere to the rules of cause and effect and contrivances should be limited if not completely eliminated.

I think all of us who tell stories want to come up with something revolutionary, a new way, a fresh style. There’s nothing wrong with it. But the world you build, however big or small, should make internal sense. The reader or viewer can be challenged but they shouldn’t be left with extra work. For instance, filling in plot holes that you left or coming up with reasons why one of your characters did something not in keeping their personality.

This is the logical part of writing. It’s not sexy, but I think maybe we owe our audience clarity. They’ve come not to be befuddled but entertained and enlightened. Of course, that’s one guy’s opinion. Be brilliant. But make sure the bones are in all the right places. Cheers and see you after.

About Oblivion (Added From: Mr. Speech)

About Oblivion (Added From: Mr. Speech)

About After Therapy (Added From: The Mere Valley)

About After Therapy (Added From: The Mere Valley)