About Thought and Effect
Post 1254:
There’s a line in Oliver Twist where Dickens abandons the narrative to ask a question straight to the reader. The inquiry is about philosophers, how even with all their high ideals and principles about poor people, they’ve never had to eat scraps and refuse and be happy to do so. The point is pretty obvious, that we can know what to do and yet never get close to the action, close to making an impact.
I’d like to say I’m a think before I act sort of person. There are obvious merits to this style of living. I don’t buy a lot of crap I don’t need, I don’t believe in “spiritual” people that say my life will improve if I follow them heedlessly, and I refuse to invest in that startup my buddy from high school has been telling me about for the last decade.
But there’s a problem with this mentality. It’s mostly negative. I don’t mean sad face stomp your foot negative. I mean literally saying no. Exercising caution. Inaction rather than action.
This can go too far. Habits are weird and it’s hard not to form them on accident. Doing something for the poor is better than talking about it, most will agree. We can disagree on best practices, and hell, I don’t know, but something beats nothing.
Same thing for personal stuff. I’m the type that wants all the ducks in a row before moving ahead to the next venture. I’m not a perfectionist, but dammit if I’m not close. Age and time are telling me that they are finite resources and a little more action is needed. I can make great stuff, but the point is to make it for others. Time to fire for effect and not just accuracy. But that’s me. Think about it. See if it effects you. Cheers and see you after.