About The Middle Ages
Post 1279:
It dawns on you one day. Or maybe it’s a ray of light that blasts you blind. You’re not old, but you’re not young. The world, especially in our modern western civilization, is made for the young. Things start to make less and less sense.
There’s a couple of reasons why the planet gets stranger as we get older. First, it was always strange. You were just too hopped up on hormones and naivety to notice. Young people are supposed to be stupid and myopic, going a hundred miles an hour without a huge amount of understanding. That’s how I was, and of course, I thought I was wise beyond my years. Not even close. Another reason why things get weird: after a long time on Earth it would be reasonable to assume a certain level of understanding. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like I understand less.
Maybe your day to day is rewarding and provides you with optimism and certainty. If so, well done. I’m not having a terrible time or anything, but now that there’s a lot to look back on, I wonder at some of my choices. I’ve never met an honest person without regrets. I’ve met people my age that honestly believe they have no regrets, but let’s be honest.
It’s hard to know how to feel about this time in life. Seems like you need to feel grateful and to try to use the experience you have for good stuff. Pass some things on.
My main goal is not to complain when my back goes out for no reason or when my arm just '“hurts.” I have a feeling these will be comparatively minor issues next to what’s coming. And no. I’m not old. Unless you’re freaking 20. Then yeah, I’m a straight geezer. Cheers and see you after.