Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Burning Out

About Burning Out

Post 1146:

The difference between competent and great ain’t all that much. There are stories and films that hit all the required marks and deliver effectively, and there’s the special ones. The ones that you come back to and stick in your brain, that make you smile or tilt your head when you think about them.

A lot of things can make the difference. But mostly, it’s just a little more time. A little extra give a shit. And that’s the good AND tragic thing about it. Good because, hey, all we have to do is try a little harder and give it a bit of polish. Tragic because, hey, a lot of times we don’t ever give it that last push.

And it’s not because we’re lazy. Sometimes you can’t know. Sometimes it feels and looks like your work is the best it could be, that there’s no more effort to give.

This is why I go with the burnout method. Work it until you literally reach the point of exhaustion. You can only do what you can do, but the body and mind is pretty good about telling us when we’re burned out.

It’s like when I’m at the gym lifting massive amounts of weight. Actually, I take that back. When I go to the gym I usually just do enough. See what I’m getting at? You would if you saw me. I’m not breaking the scales. Not winning any beauty contests either.

Let it burn. You’ll feel better. After the pain dies down.

Cheers and see you after.

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