Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Habitual Creatures

About Habitual Creatures

Post 1169:


Habits are weird. I think so, at least. They’re easy to acquire, hard to break. For me, anyhow. I picture the most accomplished and successful people having no habits. I picture them as forces of nature, directed toward goals and future aspirations. Habits don’t figure in. A few nightly beers or a stamp collection don’t seem the stuff of greatness.

But certainly we have to have routines. These are different than habits. When I think of routines I think of things that make you steady competent and consistent.

That’s what I think.

But there might be good habits. Especially ones that spark creativity. Different for everyone, I imagine.

Also, routines can get stifling. That’s why there are getaways and vacations. Breaks from the routine. A life of nothing but routine sounds like drudgery, something stifling and completely lacking adventure. Mixing it up from time to time has to be healthy.

            So we need routines and habits. Some? Lots? It’s an individual’s equation. Or maybe everyone should just go with tendencies.

            Personally, I think a lot of life is avoiding being overcome by our habits and routines. It’s so easy to find comfort in them. Comfort is good. But too much comfort..?

            Too much comfort can lead to apathy. Another pitfall to avoid.

            Or perhaps I worry too much about this stuff. I routinely get things wrong.

            Cheer and see you after.


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