Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Universalizing

About Universalizing

          Post 1197:

I don’t want to be interesting to some people. I want to be interesting to most people. This is probably a naked and uncomfortable declaration, so maybe with a bit more expansion I can make it clearer.

            Let’s say there’s a room with fifty folks, some couples, some young, some old. A real mixed group. They all do different things and come from different backgrounds. Some are related, most are not. It’s not a likely scenario—not impossible, either.

            Anyway, I’d rather not be specialized. I don’t want to be engaging to the people that like financial news or engaging to the people that like movies or to the people that like talking about race cars or gardening. Here’s why. If me and a lady get to talking about pool filters because we’re both really into pool filters, eventually the conversation is going to run its course and I’m going to be standing there with nothing interesting to say to anyone else.

            Trust me, there’s a point in here somewhere.

            This thought went through my brain tonight while I was reading. Pieces of three separate novels. In one, I could tell the writer really was into art. In another, the author loved lavishing me with architectural details. In the other, social commentary was the theme.

            I really like all three novels, but I have to admit, art and architecture bore me after a bit. Social commentary I can do for days, but a lot of people get sick of that really quick.  

            I wanted the writers to forego some of their desires and tell me the story, the really interesting part. The part that everybody in the room wants to hear.

            I don’t know if it’s an appropriate term, but essentially I’m talking about universalizing. And if my thing is pool filters, somehow being so good at talking pool filters, everyone wants to hear.

            It’s about being a person first, expert second.

            It’s about being a writer first, expert second.

            I think. Accessibility can’t be weighed down, no matter what. Not if you want the whole room. If you want one conversation, then stick to details. There’s nothing wrong with it. But eventually you’re in the corner. I know. I’ve been there more than once.

            Cheers and see you after.

About A Genuine Apology (Added From: Mr. Speech)

About A Genuine Apology (Added From: Mr. Speech)

About Surviving Disaster  (Added From: The Mere Valley)

About Surviving Disaster (Added From: The Mere Valley)