Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Fitting In and Standing Out

About Fitting In and Standing Out

Post 1296:

When I walk around downtown outside my apartment, it takes me about three minutes to notice certain trends. What people are wearing, common styles of hair, types of headphones, etc. Conformity be a thing. Also the desire to be cool. Another thing.

I used to think that people wanted to stand out. Then, for a while, I thought that people wanted to simply fit in.

It’s almost certainly both. The problem is, it doesn’t matter if you stand out unless, to some degree, you fit in. The true nonconformist would, in most cases, never be noticed, either because they are too weird or just too far away from the herd, cast out into the darkness. This noble rebel is a rare breed. Have you met many? How could you? They’re off rebelling somewhere.

So then there’s most of us. Following a certain set of unwritten rules and procedures so that we can be allowed in the door. Then, once we’re stamped and approved, we desire to be free of the shackles and strive for uniqueness. Weird.

But being a human is weird. Tons of things that don't make a lot of sense. Just look at what’s popular in art and culture. Some of it has true merit. A lot is made by conformists for conformists, professing to be unique. More of the same gets boring. It may take a long time, but diminishing returns is the real deal.

Every so often something is fresh and completely original and still finds popularity. This is the stuff that moves culture and leaves an indelible mark on society. But it’s hard to come by. Appreciate the fact that someone was way out on their own when they made their thing, taking a huge risk, sacrificing acceptance, not even trying to get in the door. They were finding another way entirely.

And then that innovative thing gets wide acceptance and almost inevitably becomes less original. How could it not? It’s part of the group now. Through the door. Another something fitting in and trying to stand out.

What’s the answer to this strange human mystery? Not sure. I’ve been busy. It’s hard to spend all this time being unique while also fitting in enough to pay for life. Because nonconformity is cool. But nobody likes it when you ask them for a loan. Cheers and see you after.

About Critical Problems

About Critical Problems

About Money For Words  (Added From: Mr. Speech)

About Money For Words (Added From: Mr. Speech)