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About Active and Reactive Philosophy

About Active and Reactive Philosophy

Post 1457:

Philosophy is a word that makes people roll their eyes, and for good reason. It’s easy to imagine some dick in academia who has never had a real job or a real relationship putting on his pedantic pants to lecture other people on how to live or the meaning of everything.

Let’s have a quick look at the definition.

1: the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

That’s not bad. A little academic though. Makes me feel like I need to be in a class in order to even begin with my “investigation.” It’s not elitist, but it’s not exactly salt of the earth. I like definition 5.

5: a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs.

Much better. Basically, how you get through the day-to-day. When put like this, it turns everyone into a philosopher, every action or inaction into a manifestation of philosophy.

So it’s a big word.

There's all kinds of schools and branches of philosophy. Stoicism, those Epicurean people, Nihilism, Pessimism, Materialism, Hedonism, Existentialism, dudes that yell at themselves in the mirror to get pumped, etc.

It’s funny, because I’ve labeled myself differently at different times in life. This is either a character flaw, or it’s just life and how it kinda works. At the hardest times, I’ve made myself as stoic as possible, in order to endure. When things are going well, it’s different. Good times are especially interesting, because people have all the answers when things are good. They don’t. But it feels that way.

Maybe this ultimately comes off as some form of relativism. I wouldn’t want that. For one, I think certain things are true and false. Second it’s my contention that whatever one’s philosophy, you’re either active or reactive. Maybe it’s good to be both, letting life come and also controlling what you can. Seems like a possible way to look at it.

That, or get a PhD in a very specific area, buy a tweed jacket, take up pipe-smoking and grow a pretentious beard. I think I’ve given you pretty much your only options here. Your welcome. Cheers and see you after.

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