About Rogue Heroes
Post 1306:
Rogue Heroes is a show that you can find on a streaming service. Which one, I can’t remember. And it’ll probably change its name or be folded into a massive conglomerate by the end of the week. So google that shiz.
It’s about the formation of the British SAS, supposedly based on mostly true characters and events. It’s charming, crazy, frantic, and strange. I love history and had no idea about this weird little chapter. The SAS was basically formed out of nothing by a bunch of guys with little to no permission and no backing. The Brits were fighting the Nazis without the aid of the United States at the time. They were willing to try anything, it seems. And so the SAS was born.
I’d like to give this a wholehearted recommendation. I’d like to. In fact, I will. But…
I didn’t buy into the madcap depiction. It’s not wrong. Just a little too frenetic and stylized. The whole thing is of course set in WW2 and its backed by a punk rock soundtrack. I get it. These guys were punk rock, out on the fringe, doing it their own way. Maybe I’m too boring, but sometimes I wanted a more straightforward narrative. The story is fascinating by itself.
You may love the directorial and editing choices. I didn’t. There were times when I was confused. This might be down to my general lack of wit, or it could be that the story is a tad hard to follow at times.
And do we have to have Winston Churchill in anything involving WW2? Are people aware of any other historical figures? The answers seem to be yes and no, respectively.
I would say try Rogue Heroes on. If it doesn’t fit, maybe read about the history of the SAS. Something tells me that a nonfiction account would be more interesting than this dramatization.
Maybe I’m just not punk rock enough. I’ve certainly never been accused.
Cheers and see you after.