About Miles A Minute
Post 1321:
I like short stories. And I like long runs.
That’ll be relevant.
I was deliberate when I said “I like” up there. Just my preferences. I always want to move on to the next thing in my imagination, and for some reason I enjoy zoning out on a long run. That, and I’d probably tear a hamstring if I ran fast these days.
When it comes to books or TV or movies, I don’t think it matters how long something is. Some people love three hour epics films and giant tomes and TV seasons that last half a lifetime.
It doesn’t matter. The point is pace. I think writers should be hard on themselves when analyzing the pace of the story. Filler is really hard to sell. It can be done, but it has to be insightful or thought-provoking or deep, something that might not necessarily push the pace but has the effect of keeping the reader or watcher interested.
It’s how far you can go with one page or one scene. Trimming the fat will keep people around. I wish it wasn’t the case. I like fat. I like being fat. And I like to eat fatty foods. The world isn’t fair. I’m going to eat something with butter now. Then I’ll need a really long run. Cheers and see you after.