About Silo
Post 1355:
Only three episodes in, I’m very intrigued by Silo, a series that takes place sometime (I guess) in the future. The only people left live in a giant silo and have to do the best they can to live and survive. There are a number of very juicy questions raised in the first few episodes. I’m not saying it will deliver, though it could.
And it’s based on books. I should read them, only right now I haven’t the time.
There are instances when science fiction can get too sterile. This isn’t. Though it deals in high-concept, it stays very emotional and very human. Even in the technical sequence where they are forced to fix the generator, everything is understandable and relatable. And tense. They give us the rules so we can know the stakes. Solid.
Lots of good tension. There’s something fishy going on. The past, before everyone went into the silo, was erased. Now it’s forbidden to keep anything from the “before times.”
This is hardly new stuff. But it is presented in a personal, dramatic way. The world we’re given is strange but not fantastical. Essentially it’s a bunch of scared people in a hole trying to survive. Some are curious. Some adhere to the status quo. Classic stuff. The characters are mostly good. One criticism is the hot lady protagonist. She’s good at everything. Brave. Talented. A genius. Knowing this, the writer has given her quirks. Social awkwardness. This is supposed to round out her character. It doesn’t, because people just love her more for her foibles. She does get treated like she’s non-special for a minute or two of screen time. There is that brave move. It’s not bad writing. Just feels a little done-to-death.
But what’s going on outside? Is it a wasteland? There’s a screen where all residents can see the nightmare on the surface, be reminded of it. It’s a barren nightmare. But is that real? I want to know. It better not suck when we find out. Right now, it totally doesn’t suck.
The most interesting thing about this society is their cardinal law. If you ask to leave, you have to.
I sort of wish choosing not to participate was our worst crime. I might be a supervillain.
Silo. I’m liking it. See you what you think. Cheers and see you after.