Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Oppenheimer and Chubbier

About Oppenheimer and Chubbier

Post 1389:

So I shambled in the other night to the big scary bomb movie. I had expectations. I want to say the movie did it for me. I want to.

There were good scenes. I just needed to get some time with the actors. Like, just let the story happen. The time jumps don’t let you get settled in your seat. I’m not terrible at paying attention. At least I don’t think so. But I couldn’t do it with this one.

It’s a movie that tries. It looks great at times. It’s emotional. This might be a thing limited to my theater, but I couldn’t hear every tenth word or so. Sound mixing. Maybe I’m getting old. Maybe don’t have a score that drones until you can feel your butt vibrating.

There’s a million ways to tell the story of the bomb. Perhaps it’s unfair to expect more than we got. Reviewers seem to like it.

There are moments. Somehow, though, it lacks humanity. Like we’re the subject of a filmmaker’s emotional experiment, and not people in need of a good story.

I can see the work that went in and very much appreciate that aspect. I only wish that it could’ve been helmed by someone with a more streamlined, simple vision. Unlike the people in the story, they don’t need to be splitting the atom here. It’s a movie. Oh well. Maybe I’ll watch it again with subtitles. It might be cool to know all the things being said.

Before leaving, I’ll say that Cillian Murphy was great. His severe look of contemplation is compelling. Great actor. Matt Damon, great job. I think he gets better as he gets chubbier. We should all be so lucky.

Cheers and see you after.

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