About The Gentlemen
Post 1530:
I wanted to write a few words about The Gentlemen, Guy Ritchie’s show that recently came out on Netflix. I thought it was almost entirely great fun. The main character carries the sometimes overlong story in a way that wasn’t achieved by Matthew McConaughey in the film of the same name and (more or less) plot.
The movie had great moments of fun but I felt like it had an inflated sense of itself, like it was utterly self-aware of its cleverness. The show is wittier and the characters are for the most part great to spend time with.
I think the main character, Eddie, is charmingly relatable, in spite of being an English aristocrat. He comes home to watch his father pass away and is surprised to be named the Duke of Whatever in Wherever. Good news. Oh wait. Not so good. Turns out dear old dad has been letting some serious gangsters grow a city of weed underneath his land.
We see Eddie trying to get his family out of this criminal relationship, but it’s not that simple. Gangsters don’t just walk away with a handshake. And turns out, he’s pretty good at being a criminal himself.
It’s a basic morality tale with tons of witty Guy Ritchie dialogue and twists and turns. Hilarious eccentric characters and quick backstories. Probably an episode or two too long. Felt like a bit of filler at times, as happens with shows. Hard to plan it exact, I imagine.
Eddie is almost always smooth and unflinching but can get riled and make mistakes. Great character. The female lead who serves as his partner is fantastic too, though toward the end I felt her motivations getting wobbly.
I will admit to having low expectations. I said I’d give it fifteen minutes. Ended up watching the whole thing in under a week. Very entertaining. Weed. Apparently it’s illegal in the UK. Oh, you silly British. Live in the now. Also, don’t do drugs.
Cheers and see you after.