About Criticism
Post 54:
It’s a thing. You’re going about your day, doing your best, floating along in the best humor you think possible… then somebody says something or does something to you that does the job of disintegrating those hard-earned good vibes in the matter of a second.
You get red in the face. Maybe your pulse starts flapping away at a breakneck pace. It’s overtaking you, this feeling that what was said was completely untrue—no wait—what if it is true—it can’t be true, can it?
Talking about criticism. Everybody’s going to get some, so avoiding it is impossible. Have you ever criticized something? Bet so. It’s not a bad thing, we have to make value judgments. It’s like, what do call it, one of those “human things.”
But when it comes your way, what do you do with it? I think there are a ton of answers, but denial is one of the wrong answers. I think the best thing to do is acknowledge it and either laugh it off or be proud. Laugh it off if the criticism is categorically incorrect; be proud that you’re leaning hard enough into the world to be noticed.
Closing yourself off from the possibility of being looked down on is no way to go. Not saying this is easy. It sucks to put yourself out there and be rejected, especially if you’re in earnest.
If you’re a goofball like me, it’s a bit easier to deal with. Because we goofballs have no feelings.
Take your lumps. Chin up. I’m gonna go cry now, someone just called me stupid on the internet.
See you after.