About All The Small Slings
Post 352:
Perhaps it’s the fact that my heredity is half English and half Lunatic, but sometimes I just want to pick the world up and shake some sense into it.
Everybody does. When things aren’t spot on and the fringes are getting fringier…when the people that should appreciate you don’t seem to give two dumps about what you’re doing…when the harder you work, the worse things get…then something really annoying happens, on top of all that other mess…something like twisting your ankle. Something like getting your car towed.
I’ve had days like this. When there are a million things that need to get done and then a serious wrench gets thrown in the works. Now, not only does the world need shaking, you need a valium the size of Rhode Island just so you won’t lose your shit.
There are people that can keep it together when these mechanical, soulless problems arise. I’m not one of them. My head is programmed for battle, yes, but I need to know it’s coming.
Different strokes and all that.
I can handle the slings and arrows, but the petty ones are the worst. The world is never going to be fair, but does it have to be such a nag? I wonder. When the traffic has you missing dinner—when the cable goes out twenty minutes into the season finale of the greatest TV series ever—when you accidently delete that hot girl’s number and your call history in a single maneuver no engineer at Apple could even perform—I wonder.
This is my confession, but it might speak to some ridiculous nook or cranny of the human psyche. I find it’s the little things that set me off. This is completely inverted, I realize.
I should be pissed at the man holding us all down. The fact that there’s no way to get ahead, and the fact that I don’t even know what that looks like.
But no. I pretty much live with and accept the stacked deck. It’s the relentlessly slow line at the supermarket that sets my heart ablaze.
Honest words. From a deeply sensitive, deeply ridiculous human being.
Actually, re-reading this, I’m actually quite shallow.
Learn something new every day.
Remember to breathe. Cheers and see you after.