About Overpacking
Post 369:
It’s hard to know what you know. We can go full Socrates and say we know nothing, but even he didn’t really believe it. He knew when he drank the hemlock he was going down for the big sleep. He knew when he questioned everything and everyone in his path, he was going to help some to illumination and make some want to strangle him with his toga.
But what we know is hard to quantify. I used to try to keep my knowledge to things that would help me in my day.
As far as methods go, this is a big turd.
Because you can’t see what you’re going to need. So then I switched up. Decided to learn everything about everything, useful or not, relevant or not. Figured if I’m going on a trip, over-packing is better than not having enough.
And it is. It’s not efficient, but it’s better. Things will get lost. Items will get mushed together at times, rendering them pretty worthless when you need them most. But chalk that up to a little of the old life’s not perfect.
Being overburdened with knowledge is preferable than being under-burdened, is what I’m saying. There’s some lines in the Bible that seem to call this method folly, but I think it’s criticizing something a little more nuanced and spiritual than I’m able to speak knowledgably on.
Just think. You walk up on some people at the bar and they’re talking about the thing that happened in the place the other day with all the stuff. You swing in like freaking Tarzan and quote a source, throw in a little historical background, use a big word or two, then you’re out.
These people will be impressed. Four of them will wonder if you’re still single. Two will claim that they were about to say all that, all jealousy-riddled. One dude will be critical, asking who goes around with all that luggage. Screw that guy. Over-packing can be annoying, but look who’s Tarzan.
Maybe you don’t like Tarzan. Sub in somebody else badass and the scene will play out the same. You get the idea.
Take it in. Pack it up. Get it on. See you after.