About Changing Your Oil
Post 1194:
If you’re in the midst of a big project it can feel like doing anything else is a waste of time. Obsession is a powerful tool in the creative process. I get tunnel vision to a ridiculous extent, myself. The rest of life takes a backseat. Probably not healthy.
Then you realize you forgot to pay the bills and the oil needs changing on your car and it’s been a month since you shaved. What to do? Take a break? Well… yeah.
I think the fear is that it’ll be hard to start back up once you’ve started. It’s like running. Once I stop, the idea of resuming is awful. Walking is so much easier. Breathing is cool. Being able to think about other things is super awesome.
As an armchair psychologist, I think this is one of the roots of an obsessive work ethic. It’s totally understandable. And also something to work on. You can get back on the horse. The horse doesn’t keel over and die just because you got off for a second. Think. Take a breath. Change your oil. Then get back on the horse. He’ll be thankful. your butt will be thankful. And trust me, the ride will continue. And then you can get obsessed again and go through this entire ridiculous mental exercise once again.
Nobody said it was simple. Unless they’re simple. Cheers and see you after.