Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Convenient Drama

About Convenient Drama

Post 1490:

Reading is sort of a weird thing for me because I’m usually comparing myself or learning new styles or techniques or admiring or getting petty and jealous of the author’s work. That said, I still love me that good story. I didn’t go to writing school so I don’t what fancy people say, but a good story should have some drama. Alright, what’s drama? Maybe it’s a dumb question, but really. I’d say it’s conflict or tension. Problems. Obstacles. People not getting along. Arguing. Opposing forces.

Stuff like that. Okay, easy enough. But wait. There’s a catch. Sometimes conflict hits a character and it takes you out rather than draws you in. Lots of reasons for this, but maybe the problem isn’t the right kind of problem.

So I’m reading a story right now that just throws so many curveballs at the guy that it gets to be a little ridiculous. If anything is good in his life, that will turn out to be ruined or based on a lie or it’s not his. Actually, it’s so much drama it’s kind of funny. Like watching a guy standing on the corner in the rain trying to open a defective umbrella and as he finally gives up a bus comes by and totally soaks him for good measure. Yeah, that’s some drama, but it’s pretty freaking funny if it’s not happening to you.

It’s just something to think about. I don’t have anything set in stone. It’s not the worst thing, either. Better to have too much drama than not enough. Like with most things, somewhere in the middle is usually the answer. Be careful with conflict. It’s a weapon that’s best used surgically. I think. I’m a little conflicted about it, to be honest. Cheers and see you after.

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